Tips Make Good Blog

Often I ask myself who sendriri.Sebenarnya Blog Baguz was like what?? In fact, what the hell is in Need By Online Blog us? Then How Do Visitors are welcome at our Blog? Visitor itself I think is in for the 2 groups:
1) which simply Pengunjug blogwalking and Hope in Go Beyond Blognya. (Usually the Inter Fellow Blogger)
2) Visitors from people who really need the information and Content from our Blog. (Usually found from the results of our Blog Searching on Google or in the Other Search Engines)
Here is the result of my thinking is still very "Beginner" How do I create a blog that's good and look professional:

1) I often find Blog blogwalking and the "Cool" Banget with or trinkets in the Blog Accessoris tersebut.Acessoris I mean:
* Hours: I am feeling all Visitors do not need clock because in each of the Windows Taskbar right of the existing Down Clock.

* Calendar: Just Like Jam Visitors also can see his calendar at home even in the windows taskbar also has a calendar.
* Displays IP Status Online:
Blog buddy is not a spy program khan?, So better not to be installed so that visitors do not feel spied upon but no other uses can be found by using these widgets.
* Install Songs / Music: I'm feeling Visitors who come already have Winamp on their computer if masing.Apalagi song on Connect often halting sorry for the Low Bandwidth open your blog.
(I'm sorry you do not syukur2 Blog directly in the "Close")
* Installing Widgets no relationship with your blog. Eg "Widget Apparel Adat Nusantara". Blognya was talking about a lack of appropriate computer if I'm feeling.

Look at Blog What is the Master's call it a Blog "Kang-Rohman, Fatihsyuhud, O-om" They look So-so but the contents of Content Blognya the "Extraordinary" especially those that provide master this and scripting Accessoris source blog but why they are not put Accessoris on their Blog. (ding.. dung??)

2) Notice Punctuation, Usage Figure:
Consider your writing that it is correct punctuation. Errors in a semicolon will result only means that berbeda.Gambar indeed beautify your yard, large images even be a boomerang for loading your page. Clear your blog will be ignored for a while when loading page is running.

3) Avoid using widgets that are not in Instruct By GOOGLE and reduce the use of scripts and JS is exaggerated. (Not That Can not efficient, but at minimal Maybe).

4) Your Blog Content Not too often "Copas"
This will have a bad response from readers, karna think readers would be better to read directly kesumbernya than visiting your blog.

5) The link was dead would not like the reader, the reader should not even search engines do not like this. Do check dead link / Miss links that have been included with Blog Link Exchange kita.Ada CASE accidentally or replace ignorance Blognya URL.

6) If indeed these posts should be "Copas" Embedded links should not be Originalnya.Anda source is considered low or lower your Pamor as a Blogger I'll Raise Sejati.Justru "CAP" if you dare to include the original source link.

When I studied the IMK (Human-Computer Interaction) on my professor said Kampuz like this "Just Takes less than 1 minute for people not to Close Website Anda.Buatlah Site or Blog a" User Friendly ". Add Facility:" Back To Top, Back To Down, ReadMore, Searching (Searching), Scroll Comments, Blogroll, Goog


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