Facebook has been loved by the surfers in the virtual world in every corner of the world, including ground water. Some of the bloggers are also pleased to welcome him, including me, even today, Facebook became a new tool for blog promotion fektif enough. So that our writing can be accessed by members (members) then the following tips to install a dish on my blogs feed on Facebook account.
With articles that we post on the blog, then all facebook members will be able to read our writing, so that our blog visitors will experience an increase. If we want a blog becomes more popular, and here are the steps that we can do::)
- Open your acount Facebook
- Click Settings -> Select Application settings
- Click on the Notes (Notes)
- Click Import a blog
- Enter your blog feed address in the box "Web URL" example http://milliongoodways.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
- After that, please fill it with a check in the small box below, then click Start Importing
- Click Start Importing (Confirm Import)
- The process is enough here easy enough right? OK,

Source http://tips-facebook.blogspot.com