How to increase visitor traffic blog

Visitor traffic is king. Increasing visitor traffic from Search engines are some bloggers who desire memonetize aimed his blog. And know how to correct and the most effective in increasing visitor traffic to blogs is the main weapon in the hunt bloggers visitor. There are many methods and ways that we can take to improve our blog visitors every day. One of them is blogwalking. But forget for a moment before this method because we will not reach the traffic of 300 visitors per day if the technique relies only blogwalking. However Achiles never said that the technique of SEO that blogwalking lho ya. But from experience (cie.. Experience) that there is, most bloggers blogwalking technique takes a long and tiring. The ideal is to find a visitor coming from Search Engine. Especially for us who want to get a sack of coins or dollars dollars for memonetize blog. Because if the day we just met by a fellow guest bloggers, so that we may display ads will not click, because most bloggers have ads.

So how do I improve the visitor from the Search engine? Here Achiles want to give some tips on how to increase blog traffic visitors from hundreds of other tips that have this virtual world.

1. Frequently updated blog postings. This article is an entry point for visitors who want to enter into our blog via Search engines. The more the number of posts, then the more the entrance we put to our blog.

2. Make a post with a lot of themes that are hunted a lot of people. Our sensitivity in making predictions hot topic is necessary because it can improve our blog visitors quickly.

3. Make a timeless topic that we are not visitor up and down roller coaster bleak. The combination topic for a moment and timeless topic = ok banget hehehe ...

4. Creating keyword optimization by learning SEO. There are many ways to learn SEO kok. including from this blog by choosing the right keywords (hehehe.. promotion)

5. We ran an article to third-party services include 3 traffic news, info, etc. I

6. Creating Dummy blog with the aim of providing visitors share utuk main blog. Dummy Achiles this blog is very effective sense of keeping our blog visitor walked stable. More and more Dummy blog indexed in the early pages Search engine, the more likely we are to reach visitors and increased stability.

7. Learn and keep learning from the many articles and bloggers masters in order to give us a lot of input in improving the visitor with the latest techniques

Something like that is a general overview of how to improve the visitor's Achiles apply. Achiles themselves do not know what the hell was worth writing this article? because many are still many bloggers, other bloggers that the number visitornya crazy. Ok deh good luck on how to improve visitor personal development and gentlemen friends.


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